Board of Directors
A Letter from the Board President
Dear Stakeholders:
At many of our board of directors’ meetings, we open our sessions talking about why we are a part of The Center, or why anyone choses to affiliate with The Center. We hear many responses. Here are some of them: We are trying to live out “Compassion in Action.” We live in a community that is richly blessed – we feel grateful; it is out of a sense of thanksgiving that we act. We want to be partners in ministry with other community and county agencies. I remember when I was going through a hard time in my life – now I want to give back for all that was given to me. When we work together as a community, we can do so much more than any one of us working individually. Jesus said to love God and neighbor – I want to be a caring neighbor.
As each one of us bring our gifts and abilities, and lay those at the feet of our Lord, amazing things can happen. People are fed. Family health is improved. A baby is immunized. The cold are given a warm coat. An emergency crisis is averted. Prescription drugs are made available. A hurting heart is comforted. When we respond to the Spirit’s leading, the ministry of The Center takes shape.
In recent months, we have strived to address the COVID-19 crisis. We have adjusted operations so that the needs of the community could be addressed, while also taking precautions to ensure the safety of volunteers and staff. With so many lay-offs, food distribution became a high priority. During the community shutdown, food was made available by curbside pickup at the Center, and student lunches were offered at multiple Wa-Nee area distribution points. The Center staff worked diligently to address one-on-one hardships. Baby immunizations, emergency rent and utility assistance were given. As needs became apparent, The Center strived to respond with compassion.
Over the last year, the excitement has continued to build around the move to the old Central School building. Remodeling is now well underway. Every week, someone asks, “When will The Center move?” There will be many advantages to the new facilities. The Center’s program offerings will be on one level. All areas will be much more accessible. There will be more room for food and clothing distribution, the well-baby check area will be streamlined, and coordination with the senior housing residents and Elder Haus will be easily available. We look forward to the move sometime this fall.
These are exciting and challenging days for The Center. We look forward to your partnership in our continuing mission!
Ed Geleske – Board President